“The challenge of remembering yesterday lies in how you let it shape today. The challenge of living today is deciding how it will influence your tomorrow. The choice is yours.”

The way we view life has a direct impact on how we navigate our days. I’ll admit, waking up isn’t always easy. Responsibilities, challenges, and situations we’d rather avoid often weigh us down. But amid life’s chaos, the real question is: What do you do?

A popular gospel song by Donnie McClurkin poses the question: “What do you do when you’ve done all you can, and it seems like it’s never enough?” The answer, as the song suggests, is: “You just stand.” While the message has inspired countless people to persevere, I believe that standing alone isn’t enough. To truly thrive, we must not only stand—we must make a conscious effort to stay standing and take intentional steps toward becoming better.

Over the years, friends and loved ones have often marveled at my outlook on life and how I handle the “lemons” it throws my way. Yes, I’ve made lemonade (thanks, Beyoncé!), but there’s more to the equation. One universal truth is that we will all experience life in its fullness. It will bring us joy, pain, laughter, sorrow, anger, and bliss. Life is like a roller coaster—one moment we’re soaring high, and the next, we’re plunging. The key is to remember that neither the highs nor the lows are permanent.

One essential tool for navigating life’s ups and downs is optimism. Optimism is an often overlooked gift, but it’s a powerful one. It shifts our perspective, helping us see possibilities where others see obstacles. It enables us to think positively, even in negativity.

Every day will present its challenges. The question is: Will you let those challenges derail you, or will you press on toward your goals, connections, and happiness? Optimism empowers us to stay focused and keep moving forward.

The challenge of remembering yesterday lies in how you let it shape today. The challenge of living today is deciding how it will influence your tomorrow. The choice is yours..”

A few years ago, I faced a particularly difficult season in my life. It felt as though everything that could go wrong was going wrong—all at once. Financial struggles, relationship challenges, and family issues seemed to converge in a perfect storm. I found myself questioning how I could move forward.

Then, I made a decision: I would change the way I viewed my circumstances. Instead of dwelling on my problems, I began to reframe them. I reminded myself that there’s always someone facing greater challenges. That shift in perspective sparked a wave of optimism, and the negative energy that had been weighing me down began to dissipate.

What we put out into the world is what we receive in return. If we radiate negativity, we invite negative energy back into our lives. But if we choose kindness, joy, and love, those same energies will find their way back to us. While we can’t always change our circumstances, we can change the way we view them.

Sometimes, the solution is as simple as swapping our lenses for a clearer perspective. Life is a game, and the next move is yours. It’s Your Move…